The following is a list of 19 articles published in Physical Therapy Journal from 1988 to 2010 that are public access. In fact all PTJ articles are public access one year after publication. These are wonderful resources for learning and marketing.
Continence and Quality-of-Life Outcomes 6 Months Following an Intensive Pelvic-Floor Muscle Exercise Program for Female Stress Urinary Incontinence: A Randomized Trial Comparing Low- and High-Frequency Maintenance Exercise
Diane F Borello-France, Patricia A Downey, Halina M Zyczynski, and Christine R Rause
Physical Therapy 2008 88:1545-1553; doi:10.2522/ptj.20070257
Use of Transabdominal Ultrasound Imaging in Retraining the Pelvic-Floor Muscles of a Woman Postpartum
Allison Ariail, Trace Sears, and Elizabeth Hampton
Physical Therapy 2008 88:1208-1217; doi:10.2522/ptj.20070330
Pelvic-Floor Strength in Women With Incontinence as Assessed by the Brink Scale
Mary P FitzGerald, Kathryn L Burgio, Diane F Borello-France, Shawn A Menefee, Joseph Schaffer, Stephen Kraus, Veronica T Mallett, Yan Xu, and for the Urinary Incontinence Treatment Network
Physical Therapy 2007 87:1316-1324; doi:10.2522/ptj.20060073
Management of Dyspareunia and Associated Levator Ani Muscle Overactivity
Kimberly A Fisher
Physical Therapy 2007 87:935-941; doi:10.2522/ptj.20060168
Pelvic-Floor Muscle Function in Women With Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Diane F Borello-France, Victoria L Handa, Morton B Brown, Patricia Goode, Karl Kreder, Laura L Scheufele, Anne M Weber, and for the Pelvic Floor Disorders Network
Physical Therapy 2007 87:399-407; doi:10.2522/ptj.20060160
Management of Stress Urinary Incontinence With Surface Electromyography–Assisted Biofeedback in Women of Reproductive Age
Mariana T Rett, Jose A Simoes, Viviane Herrmann, Cristina LB Pinto, Andrea A arques,
and Sirlei S Morais
Physical Therapy 2007 87:136-142; doi:10.2522/ptj.20050318
Effect of Pelvic-Floor Muscle Exercise Position on Continence and Quality-of-Life Outcomes in Women With Stress Urinary Incontinence
Diane F Borello-France, Halina M Zyczynski, Patricia A Downey, Christine R Rause, and Joseph A Wister
Physical Therapy 2006 86:974-986;
Evaluation of Female Pelvic-Floor Muscle Function and Strength
Kari Bø, and Margaret Sherburn
Physical Therapy 2005 85:269-282;
What is the evidence regarding specific methods of pelvic floor exercise for a patient with urinary stress incontinence and mild anterior vaginal wall prolapse?
Kimberly Fisher, and Lisa Riolo
Physical Therapy 2004 84:744-753;
The Effects of a Progressive Exercise Program With Surface Electromyographic Biofeedback on an Adult With Fecal Incontinence
Stephanie Weiss Coffey, Elaine Wilder, Michael J Majsak, Renee Stolove, and Lori Quinn
Physical Therapy 2002 82:798-811;
Pelvic-Floor Rehabilitation, Part 1: Comparison of Two Surface Electrode Placements During Stimulation of the Pelvic-Floor Musculature in Women Who Are Continent Using Bipolar Interferential Currents
Chantale Dumoulin, Derek E Seaborne, Cécile Quirion-DeGirardi, and S John Sullivan
Physical Therapy 1995 75:1067-1074;
Pelvic-Floor Rehabilitation, Part 2: Pelvic-Floor Reeducation With Interferential Currents and Exercise in the Treatment of Genuine Stress Incontinence in Postpartum Women—A Cohort Study
Chantale Dumoulin, Derek E Seaborne, Cécile Quirion-DeGirardi, and S John Sullivan
Physical Therapy 1995 75:1075-1081;
Management of Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease with Shortwave Diathermy: A Case Report
Joseph A Balogun, and Friday E Okonofua
Physical Therapy 1988 68:1541-1545;
Pelvic-Floor Musculature Exercises in Treatment of Anatomical Urinary Stress Incontinence
Deborah C H Tchou, Cara Adams, R Edward Varner, and Betty Denton
Physical Therapy 1988 68:652-655;
Electromyographic and Dynamometric Characteristics of Female Pelvic-Floor Musculature
A Joseph Santiesteban
Physical Therapy 1988 68:344-350;
Rhonda K Kotarinos
Physical Therapy 1988 68:350;
Author's Response
A Joseph Santiesteban
Physical Therapy 1988 68:351;
Differential Diagnosis of Endometriosis in a Young Adult Woman With Nonspecific Low Back Pain
Mark R Troyer
Physical Therapy 2007 87:801-810; doi:10.2522/ptj.20060141
Microwave Diathermy Treatment for Primary Dysmenorrhea
April R Vance, Sherrill H Hayes, and Neil I Spielholz
Physical Therapy 1996 76:1003-1008;
TENS Study Concerns
Michael F Nolan, Deborah Lewers, Jo Ann Clelland, James R Jackson, R Edward Varner,
and Joan Bergman
Physical Therapy 1989 69:621-623;
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation in the Relief of Primary Dysmenorrhea
Deborah Lewers, Jo Ann Clelland, James R Jackson, R Edward Varner, and Joan Bergman
Physical Therapy 1989 69:3-9;
Great Post.
ReplyDeleteThe aim of physical therapy is to help patients achieve optimal functional ability in the back, knee, shoulder, and other areas of the body by improving strength and mobility.