I have been on the look out for free stuff and have an expanded list. Some things have been posted before and some are new. I would love to hear what you have found for free.

National Association for Continence –
Physical Therapy Journal - Did you know articles on PTJ are public access one year after they have been published? It’s true, check it out. Of course we hope you are all members of the APTA for many reasons. http://ptjournal.apta.org - see the list posted on this blog.
Section on Women’s Health members
Have access to a great variety of free resources on the web site including: Member Newsletter, Updates on Practice and Reimbursement, Information on Marketing & PR, Member Only Directory, and several list servs (PR and marketing, residency). In addition to the on site and home study courses offered by the SOWH there are 2 self learning opportunities for free on the web site: OB 101 is a very extensive resource with video clips, information on medications, tests, and medical treatments as well as pathophysiology for a wide variety of OB and GYN conditions. EMG on line learning is a part of a video I did several years ago for the Prometheus group. It reviews introductory information on EMG usage with PFM dysfunction (about 1 hr and 15 mins long, old and grainy). As a member of the SOWH you are a members of the IOPTWH (International Organization of Women’s Health Physical Therapists). This is located under “about us”. This organization offers many clinical discussion list servs. Here you can post clinical questions and receive responses from all over the globe.
ttmed Urology – Timely Topics in Medicine – This free resource posts current research in urology. Only about 25% of the site is applicable to PT (most is about cancer, meds, and surgery). This site also posts recent AUA and ICS (and many more) web casts – for free – you do not need to be a conference attendee or a member. You could spend hours on the site. www.ttmed.com/urology/us. Also check Pelvic PT blog – second entry for short cuts to the site.
www.pelvicpt.blogspot.com - Join and receive periodic reviews of new research, products, books and conference summaries. Post a comment or question.
Pelvic Physiotherapy Distance Journal Club
Monthly one hour phone conference call with leaders in the field of Pelvic PT. We will review several articles and discuss relevance to clinical practice. Articles are provided for review prior to the call and the call is recorded so you may listen to it again. Email Beth (beth@bethshelly.com) if you would like to be included on the journal club list. Also check the Pelvic PT blog above for information about the distance journal club (go to archives on the right).
- Pelvic floor exercise audio files – exercise encouragement for patients, 3, 5 and 10 second hold, 10 repetitions files available.
- Clinic notes – Word templates, fully modifiable.
- Patient education handouts
- Professional articles
Thanks for all these great tips Beth!