
Friday, May 29, 2015

Adherance in PFM training

5 landmark papers written by internationally known PTs on adherence in PFM training
Scoping review of adherence promotion theories in pelvic floor muscle training - 2011 ICS State-of-the-Science Seminar research paper I of IV
Doreen McClurg, Helena Frawley, Jean Hay-Smith, Sarah Dean, Shu-Yueh Chen, Pauline Chiarelli, Frances Mair and Chantale Dumoulin
Article first published online: 21 MAY 2015 | DOI: 10.1002/nau.22769
Pelvic-floor-muscle training adherence: Tools, measurements and strategies—2011 ICS State-of-the-Science Seminar research paper II
Chantal Dumoulin, Dianne Alewijnse, Kari Bo, Suzanne Hagen, Diane Stark, Marijke Van Kampen, Julia Herbert, Jean Hay-Smith, Helena Frawley, Doreen McClurg and Sarah Dean
Article first published online: 21 MAY 2015 | DOI: 10.1002/nau.22794
Pelvic-floor-muscle-training adherence “modifiers”: A review of primary qualitative studies—2011 ICS State-of-the-Science Seminar research paper III of IV
Jean Hay-Smith, Sarah Dean, Kathryn Burgio, Doreen McClurg, Helena Frawley and Chantale Dumoulin
Article first published online: 21 MAY 2015 | DOI: 10.1002/nau.22771

Health professionals’ and patients’ perspectives on pelvic floor muscle training adherence—2011 ICS State-of-the-Science Seminar research paper IV of IV
Helena C. Frawley, Doreen McClurg, Aishath Mahfooza, Jean Hay-Smith and Chantale Dumoulin
Article first published online: 21 MAY 2015 | DOI: 10.1002/nau.22774
2014 consensus statement on improving pelvic floor muscle training adherence: International Continence Society 2011 State-of-the-Science Seminar
Chantale Dumoulin, Jean Hay-Smith, Helena Frawley, Doreen McClurg, Dianne Alewijnse, Kari Bo, Kathryn Burgio, Shu-Yueh Chen, Pauline Chiarelli, Sarah Dean, Suzanne Hagen, Julia Herbert, Aishath Mahfooza, Frances Mair, Diane Stark and Marijke Van Kampen
Article first published online: 21 MAY 2015 | DOI: 10.1002/nau.22796

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