This outcomes measure seems to be used a lot in the Netherlands . It was sited in the Netherlands practice guidelines for urinary incontinence and in the article discussed 3/9/11 “Prognostic indicators for poor short term outcome of physiotherapy intervention in women with SUI ”. In the article discussed they used the first 3 questions as the Leak Severity Scale (LS) with a possible high score of 12 and low score of 3. A change of more than 4 was considered recovery / success.
1. I never use protection for urine loss
2. I use protection sometimes, or I have to change my underwear because of urine loss
3. I normally use protection, or I change my underwear several times a day because of urine loss
4. I always have to wear protection because of urinary incontinence
1. The amount of urine lost is just a drop
2. Sometimes I loose a small quantity of urine
3. Urine loss is so great that it wets my protective pad or clothing noticeably
4. Urine loss is so great that my protective pad is soaked or leaks
Involuntary loss of urine occurs:
1. Once a week or less
2. More than once but less than three times a week
3. More than three times a week, but not every day
4. Every day
Implications of urine loss:
1. My normal daily activities have not been restricted
2. I have stopped some activities, such as some sports and some physically demanding activities
3. I have stopped most physical activities that cause involuntary urine loss
4. I almost never go out
Body (or self) image
1. I do not worry about urine loss
2. I think urine loss is annoying and troublesome, but I am not greatly bothered by it
3. I find urine loss disgusting
4. I am disgusted by myself because of my urine loss
Global Perceived Effect Jaeschke 1989
“How is your current condition compared to how it was before you started physiotherapy
. . 1. very much improved
. . 2. much improved
. . 3. moderately improved
. . 4. slightly improved
. . 5. unchanged
. . 6. slightly worse
. . 7. moderately worse
. . 8. much worse
. . 9. very much worse
Ratings of 4 to 6 are considered as no meaningful change. Success in the article discussed is defined as score of 1, 2, or 3.
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