Time - for one hour
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- 559-546-1401 access code 375984#
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This month’s discussion
Anal sphincter fatigue: is the mechanism peripheral or central? Schabrun SM, Stafford RE, Hodges PW. Neurourol and Urodynam 2011;30:1550-1556.
**** Primary author Siobhan Schabrun PhD, B.Physio from The University of Queensland will join us for the call. ******
Investigation of optimal cues to instruction for pelvic floor muscle contraction: A pilot study using 2D ultrasound imaging in pre-menopausal, nulliparous, continent women. Crotty K, Bartram CI, Pitkin J, Cairns MC, Taylor PC, Dorey G, Chatoor D. Neurourol and Urodynam 2011 30:1620-1626.