
Sunday, March 13, 2016

March Pelvic PT Distance Journal Club 2016

This month we discussed three articles. 
One looked at the safety of PFM exercises for the fetus
Another investigated the effect of PFM exercises on labor and delivery
The third measured bladder neck movement during curl up

The recording can be accessed here

Our next meeting is April 6, 2016 and we will discuss two papers related to PFM and cycling.

The effect of antenatal pelvic floor muscle training on labor and delivery outcomes" a systematic review with meta-analysis. Du Y, et al. Int Urogynecol J (2015) 26:1415-1427.

Beth Shelly
Pelvic PT Distance Journal Club March 2016


·         Many studies have shown PFM exercise during pregnancy can prevent and decrease UI

·         Study by Aran showed reduced PFM strength associated with prolonged first stage of labor

·         That study also postulated a strong PFM might limit decent or rotation of the fetal head

·         Other believe PFM exercises produce flexible, well controlled muscles that can facilitate labor

Assessment of foetal wellbeing in pregnant women subjected to pelvic floor muscle training: a controlled randomized study. Okido MM, et al. Int Urogynecol J (2015) 26:1475-1481.

Beth Shelly
Pelvic PT Distance Journal Club March 9, 2016


·         UI prevalence increases 11 times during pregnancy

·         32-64% of pregnant women have UI

·         PFMT during pregnancy reduces UI at the end of pregnancy and up to 3 months after delivery

·         Moderate intensity general exercise (walking, cycling) does not cause fetal effect on blood supply

·         However, PFM and uterus share vascular supply

Transabdominal ultrasound to assess pelvic floor muscle performance during abdominal curl in exercising women. Barton A, et al. Int Urogynecol J (2015) 26:1789-1795.

Beth Shelly
Pelvic Distance Journal Clun March 2016
·         High prevalence of SUI in elite athletes with high impact - jumping, abdominal curl, jogging
·         In studies abdominal curl exercises provokes SUI in up to 16% of women
·         Women with UI or POP display a wide range of change in IAP with abdominal curl
·         10% of women stop exercising due to SUI and another 20% alter or decrease their exercise
·         17 to 35% of women with SUI have bladder base depression with attempted PFM contraction
·         15 to 25% of nulliparous exercising women have SUI