
Saturday, December 15, 2012

International Continence Society Debate on the terms “OAB” and “urgency”

This debate occurred at the ICS Annual meeting in Beijing China October 2012. Seven YouTube videos - most 9 to 12 minutes each.  This is a fascinating discussion of some of the issues with the term “OAB”.  Firstly there is evidence that a drop in urethra pressure precedes urgency and detrusor contraction so is it really the bladder which is overactive or is it the urethra which is underactive.  I very strong case for why PFM exercises help OAB.  The role of the nervous system is also discussed as are the influence of the pharmaceutical industry and the needs of the patients.  As you can image, in the end, there is no final answer but the discussion really highlights what is being researched and discussed in the field of bladder dysfunction.  Check it out.

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