
Friday, October 5, 2012

Predictors of a favorable outcome of physiotherapy in fecal incontinence: secondary analysis of a randomized trial. Bols E, Hendriks E, de Bie R, Baeten, Berghmans B. Neurourol and Urodynam 2012;31:1156-1160.

PT treatment of fecal incontinence (FI)  has not enjoyed as much attention and many feel is not as successful.  This article is a secondary analysis of a RCT adding rectal balloon training to PFM exercises.  Overall 46.3% had some improvement.  Multivariate analysis showed predictors of success where: use of constipating medication (like Imodium to thicken stool, it is a must in my book), experiencing minor embarrassment (I guess more motivated?), and “any obstetrical factor” (this included large baby weight, episiotomy, long labor, breech delivery, theory is that these would probably traumatize tissues which can benefit from PT).  Those less likely to benefit had a longer time since FI onset.  Good to see more research in this area.

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